
Tay Bodyworks

Hello and welcome to our website!
We are back to work and ready to help you on your journey to a healthier life!
If you like our website and services, give us a try!
Spring is a great time to cleanse!
Ask us how

613-267-1220 or 613-390-1220

Please enter through our garage side door!

Live and Dry Blood Analysis

microscopeA thorough Investigation of health issues can be done by Live and Dry Blood Analysis.  Live blood analysis allows us to check the liver, kidneys and bowel function. It also shows us where there are digestive issues and poor absorption of nutrients.
Many other issues can be explored.

Colon Hydro Therapy (Colonic)
Nearly 90% of all degenerative diseases begins in the digestive tract.
When the ability of digestion slows down, constipation, diarrhea and inflammation set in, especially after the age of 50, toxins don’t get eliminated and two things happen: The waste in the colon begins to sit and rot and new food intake creates bloating, gas, discomfort and tiredness. The toxins go back into the blood stream and make you queasy, tired, achy and cause headaches and migraines.
A dirty colon becomes a colonbreeding ground for parasites, yeast infections, tumors and inflammatory diseases like Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, colorectal cancer and
Please watch our video about colon hydro therapy and how it works under services/colon hydro therapy

Additionally, we offer herbal products and ionic footbath that can help the healing process. See services!


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